The Publishing Performance Show

Barbara Boyd - The Book Coach Approach: Finding Your Idea, Audience, and Objective

Teddy Smith Episode 74

Barbara Boyd is a book coach and author who has guided over 100 authors through the publishing process. With a specialty in nonfiction writing, Barbara helps experts transform their knowledge into well-structured, reader-focused books. As a certified book coach through Author Accelerator, she uses proven frameworks like the Blueprint for a Non-Fiction Book to help authors clarify their ideas, identify their target audience, and achieve their publishing objectives.

In this episode:

  • The Venn diagram concept for books (idea, audience, objectives)
  • Identifying and narrowing your target audience
  • Translating complex expertise into reader-friendly content
  • Storytelling techniques for nonfiction
  • Creating logical reader journeys
  • Value of detailed outlines before writing
  • Simplifying complex ideas through examples
  • Why sharing knowledge attracts rather than repels clients
  • Book writing timeline expectations
  • Book coaching as editorial and emotional support
  • Traditional versus self-publishing approaches

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